business blog workshop

Hola gorgeous goddess!

I never thought I would one day grow up to say my job was a Goddess.

And not just a job – but a pretty amazingly abundant way I support my whole family. My love gets to be a stay at home parent with me, and study for his dream job. My daughter gets to grow up with both of us being around, living happy, easy lives. We get to move across the countryside to live here in tropical paradise – there’s no other way we could have managed to live here.

And I get to be a mama AND a creative goddess. I get to go sit up the top of a beautiful, ancient tree everyday for a couple of hours and write and create my heart and soul out. It is utterly and exquisitely my dream come true. I get SO giddy whenever I think about my job and how much I adore it.

We are hugely, incredibly blessed.

And as I’m working on the new e-course, I’m dreaming up & thinking of this beautiful journey of mine & where it has led me & what I have learned.

There’s so much to talk about. SO much.

Becoming a business & blogging goddess has been so fascinating… I love thinking about it and dreaming and brainstorming and talking about it. And I wish more than anything that I could meet you all for cupcakes so we could spend long hours doing just that.

So here’s what I’ve dreamed up…

The Business & Blogging Goddess workshop!

Over the next lil while, we’ll have a heart-to-heart here… and I’ll try and infuse you with as much wisdom, stories and experience as I can about my own journey of becoming a Biz & Blogging goddess…

I so hope it helps you if you are feeling called to making your beautiful dreams into a lovely business that supports you.

During the workshop series I’ll share:

  • 7 lessons to getting to 20 000 readers & how to be a blog goddess
  • how I doubled my income in a year
  • my story of turning from a happy hobby hippy to a full time professional one
  • 6 ways you can begin earning dobleros with your gifts.

Check back in tomorrow, beautiful, for the start! Be sure to sign up via RSS or email to get all ze classes!

( & if becoming a business goddess isn’t your thing right now, that’s totally beautiful my love. We’ll be back to our normal programming v soon with all good juice – creativity and spirituality and all the delight under the sun. I just wanted to offer this extra series right now for all the goddesses who are asking! Thank you so much for understanding! Big love!)

I’m SO excited to be sharing this with you, gorgeous soul!

Let the magic commence!!!!